Filming Review

Sunday, December 11, 2016


Today we managed to complete two sets of our filming in one day at the two different primary locations. The filming we did went incredibly smoothly without any major hiccups along the way. The most crucial aspect that went well today - and was out of our hands- was the weather. It was a crisp, yet sunny, November day. This allowed us to utilise the natural lighting that we were gifted and we got some extremely well lit and effected shots that we will additionally use within our music video. What also worked well was the communication within the group, the top class actors that we casted but also the promptness of our media filming. This allowed us once again to take many additional shots with quality, but to also stick to our filming schedule that we had carefully planned. By taking extra shots as well, it would allow us to take extra care but less time spent editing when it comes to that process, merely picking out the better footage rather than having to re-film which would be a time consuming process. One aspect that maybe hindered our filming slightly was the camera's battery charge, yet this was not to our fault as we carefully processed all of our shots. As a result, we did have a slight delay, alas it probably worked out for the best timing and weather wise. In addition in some of the shots, members of the recording group do feature in the shots, yet we can either edit this out or use extra footage if needed. We feel that hardly any of our shots need to be re-filmed as we achieved such high quality levels of footage and thus no changes need to be made. By using our storyboards throughout, we could stick within a level basis of what shots we needed to complete, however with the creationists that we are, these helped us change or film an shots that we feel would be crucial to making our music video at the highest quality. Overall, I have to say that this was a fantastic and well worked out day of filming.


On this day we finalised our filming for our final footage of memory scenes for our music video. One again the weather crucially played into our hands and we were blissed with a bright (albeit a tad freezing) sunny morning. This location for filming needed a lot of attention and planning. This is because our footage required us to hit Southwold at the point of sunrise, which for us meant getting up and reaching there at an extremely early point in the morning. This was a very much similar scenario to the filming we completed on day one and worked out incredibly well. With the cold weather, we realised that we needed to work fast but with quality in our filming and as a result, everything did run smoothly just like before. This time we did not take our storyboards with us, as we remembered the basic structure of what our filming needed to be like, however once we got to our filming location it allowed us flexibility in our ideas to make any changes to our ideas and develop some as we went along. By also arriving at such an early time, it gave us more freedom to create more accurate shots, thus reducing the chance of any re-filming that needed to take place. This time too, we took two cameras with us, allowing us a back up just in case one of the cameras did run out while we were filming. The only downfall of this filming was that we were a man short in our group due to work commitments. However with knowing this, we utilised his ideas he gave us and made sure we put them into practice in filming. Overall, this day and both our days can be considered the best days of filming and footage that we have achieved throughout our whole Media Studies A level course. 

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