Evaluation Questions (Preliminary Task)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?

2.How effective is the combination of your main product(video) and your ancillary text (CD cover)?

Out Final CD cover for the song
I think the video and the cd cover are very effective for the song the title of the song swell as a lot of the lyrics are about being on another planet and I think that we convey this well with the video because the story plays out that the girl is bored in a lesson and daydreaming about being with this boy and I think that fits well with the story. I also think that it is very effective that we used a girl rather than the convention of a boy as well as not trying to make it physically another planet but interpreting it to be anther place and I think that makes the video a lot deeper and hides meaning into the song. I think that the video itself is effective as well in summing up how the average student feels and shows how the girl our main character wants to be free and enjoy her childhood rather than being bored.
 I think that the album cover works very well also with eh video and the song because the faceless girl shows the emotionlessness that we have from the girl in the video in the classroom and shows the universe summing up the endless possibilities that we see when she is with the boy in the video.
the cd cover also works well with the title of the song because it shows the girl is in a different place. The album cover works well with a particular scene in the video swell ands that is the powder paint scene there is a lot of colour in that scene and they disappear through the pain into the water and i think the girls face on the cd cover shows something similar the thought of disappearing into the colour 

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Perhaps the greatest thing we have learnt from our audience feedback is what sort of things in a music video actually appeal to people. It appeared that not everyone really liked Blink 182 but would still be engaged in the clip if it were entertaining and met their expectations of what a typical media product should be. When exhibiting the final preliminary to the public we immediately gathered some audience feedback. By showing the clip to our entire class we asked some questions after the screening. They said that the lighting effects between the cold, isolated feeling in the classroom in contrast with the warm, soft colours of the love montage was particularly effective. They also said that certain subtleties such as the blink logo, warping effects and transitions made the outcome that little more professional. It is these sort of editing effects that ultimately make the difference from raw footage to the final cut. However, our teacher Mr Cole, said some things could be improved upon such as the use of pull focus and extreme blurring. Whilst producing the clip we did experiment with a little blurring but the camera we used was not able to facilitate such blurring qualities which meant we could only use the "selective focusing and tracking" within editing programs such as premiere pro. We also realized that we could have used music syncing to ensure that the beat of the music actually coincided with the footage. This was something we were unable to do because the song completely varies in beat throughout the song making it almost impossible to match the sequence with the audio. However, it seemed that our audience did not pick up on this very minor fact and still enjoyed the final outcome. In the clip we were also required to include a shot no shorter than 4 seconds as well as one shot that lasts at least 35 seconds. We have achieved the first but the 35 second shot was extremely difficult to incorporate within the clip as it did not really fit with the timings of the song. However we did try and attempt to include a shot that lasts roughly 14 seconds near the beginning of the extract.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluating stage?

Construction and research:
this stage required a surprisingly large amount of technology to be used because we needed to go o the internet and find possible locations that we could use, finding the location was difficult because we had to not find ones that are suitable for filming but that we could get to with our cast. The process would have taken a lot longer if we hadn't had the internet because anywhere that we where considering using we could look at on google maps and check that we would actually be able to get there. we also had to use technology in this stage when we where taking the photos for the location scouting and through using our phones we where able to upload them straight to blogger and then when we where back at school we where able arrange them on PowerPoint and plan out each shot in what order we wanted to do them and I think this made our idea flow a lot better and improved the overall result of the music video.

The planning stage used less technology than the research stage but still used a it we planned where we where going to go and what we where going to do for locations on PowerPoint and even talking to our cast we used Facebook messenger to make sure that everybody was in the right place at the right time. We also used technology in this stage by making a checklist for what we needed to bring and what our restraints where for the filming we did this on our phones so that we would have them with us when we where filming and to make sure that we fitted in with them as much as we could.

We used technology in our evaluating stage by uploading our video to YouTube and then sending it to people by email and messenger to get them to give our reviews for our audience feedback. we also used PowerPoint to answer one of the questions. since we split up some of the tasks between our group we also used email to make sure that everyone in the group had what they needed. We also used Facebook messenger and a group chat to help answer the questions and get advice from other people in the group so that the answers we gave where the best that they could be.

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