Casting Ideas (Preliminary Task)

Monday, July 04, 2016

Before filming any of the film we decided to cast our actors as to decide who would be best suited for clip. When interviewing them we decided to ask them a range of questions based on our film including script and questions.

The casting of our music video was very important for us to get right because we felt the song requires a certain kind of person to make it look the best, so when we where auditioning people we need to make sure they wouldn't hold back and would be willing to have fun with the filming rather than feeling nervous or worried about doing it. It was also important for us to get two people that would be happy working together as if they didn't really like each other then the video wouldn't look as good.

Since the song is by a pop punk band we want to get people who look and act like they would fit in with that genre and culture, we can sort the costumes out so that they look right but if they act very reserved for example it won't look right and they would look out of place acting in the video. Since it is important for us to have good actors in this video we would ideally like to use people who have done acting before so we are looking to se drama students from our school because they would both have experience and they would be the right get that we are going for which is 17-18 years old.

We have already started thinking about people who we could use that fit all of our criteria and we have asked them if they would audition all but 2 said that they would which is useful as it will give us a choice rather than just 2 people saying y
es and us being forced to use them.

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