Plot Ideas (Preliminary Task)

Friday, June 24, 2016

original idea:
The main basis of the plot will follow both a boy and girl with intermittent shots of the band playing throughout. In the initial scenes we will follow the boy in a school classroom. By using crab shots and also a tracking shot we will focus on the boy as a central focus amongst the other students. We could consider using a shallow focus here to blur out the background and highlight the boy as the central focus. The boy is seen at the desk slowly falling asleep where the scene is immediately cut to memories/dreams of the boy and girl together. We will most likely use a montage of shots to make their relationship feel more believable. Furthermore, throughout the music video we will use small (4 second) cuts of the band to give a certain context to the music and promote the song itself. Towards the end we will hear a sound bridge of a traditional school bell where we are brought back to the classroom at the beginning where the boy is seen alone, isolated within the classroom.

Current Idea (6/24/16) :
Our current idea is a little different as we have altered the plot and changed the protagonist from the boy to the girl. I think this will give more of an interest and reverse the gender stereotypes usually depicted within music videos today. We have also introduced effects such as powder paint and sparklers, thinking about using a long exposure and experiment with light throughout the clip. However, we are currently keeping with the idea of the school and the frequent shots of the band as I think this really works with the song's particular genre.
We have also thought about using fairly abandoned locations on set for the band to play in. I think this would look effective and really break up the confinement of spaces such as the school.

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