Shooting Schedule

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

1. Dates/times/locations of filming

Date 1:
Saturday 26th -  Thetford forest, Norwich (9am to 6:00) - Couple montage scenes
Sunday 27th - South wold (10:00 to 6:00) - Couple montage scenes

Saturday 3rd- Filming the room scene
Sunday 4th- Filming the room scene

2. How have you organised this?

We have set up a group messenger between all the members in the group. This has easily allowed us to directly message each other with arrangements regarding the filming and planning of the music video. One of the main advantages to this service is that it is quick and immediate and is a platform that everyone has access to. If any of us have a problem we can communicate this to everyone in seconds which been greatly beneficial in helping us organise the scenes. Through our research and development of the location we all took turns in suggesting possible locations. After some time and deliberation we came to the idea of using south wold for the beach scene. We liked this location because we thought it would be ideal to shoot scenes of the couple along the beach and on the pier/arcade. We have decided to use Norwich and Thetford forest which we also thought were suitable locations. Upon these decisions and in class time we also researched opening times for Thetford forest and worked out travel expenses e.g. car fuel and parking tickets.

3. Has it proved easy/difficult to organise?

 As mentioned above through using social media and online platforms such as Facebook Messenger the organisation of the filming, locations, timings have been made considerably easy. Although, the main issue was arranging the timings for our actors and everyone to film at a suitable date. We had wanted to film much earlier but one our actors were unable to meet the date so we have consequently pushed the date back to commence the filming from the 26th and to finish on the 4th. Although this is frustrating I think it is better to wait and use quality people with acting experience as this is ultimately what will make the narrative more believable and therefore more professional.

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