Drug use case study : Plot Inspiration

Friday, November 04, 2016

Image result for overdose

To help add a sense of realism to the narrative that we are trying to go for we have decided to conduct a short case study into drug overdose and the harsh reality of taking them. I think this will significantly help with our idea and make it easier to film.

After some research, we have come across a range of data revealing the negative impacts of recreational drugs. In 2014 there were 2,248 deaths which were related to drug misuse. This is an increase of 15% on 2013 and 44% higher than 2004. This is quite shocking especially because those that take drugs take them as a form of escape from reality, A way avoiding judgement or any issues within their life. Drugs are also used as a form of social interaction, with many young people (mainly males) forming drug gangs and groups.

Another reason why so many people overdose within todays society is also due to the fact drugs are so easily accessible to people. Younger people are most vulnerable to this concept as they are often under pressure to fit in with others and the idea of "keeping up appearances". Drugs are also more accepted with many countries such as Amsterdam  legalising some drug consumption and allowing the market of drug sales.

Drug use is also a problem within large institutions and schools where a large member of young people have access to them. In fact, in 2014, 15% of pupils had ever taken drugs, 10% had taken drugs in the last year and 6% had taken drugs in the last month.

To conclude, drug use throughout the world has become an increasing problem with many more people consuming them in today's society. This is a message we want to portray within the muysic video. We must be clear and get to the point within the narrative that drug use is a problem and is why the couple end their relationship. The idea of the man being alone by the end of the video is to reveal the idea that, as a result of taking drugs he is now isolated from reality and from a relationship he so desperately wants. By cutting it here I believe that the message will be more impacting on the audience and will therefore make it more memorable.

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