Location Ideas (Preliminary Task)

Monday, June 20, 2016

Me and Drew decided that we would scout some locations to do the filming in. The first place we went to was the forest behind the local park to see if there was any places that we could either put in the band shots or have our couple be doing some sort of activity. It was very wet when we went and so we had to leave quickly and the areas that we where looking where quite wet this would be ideal for filming so hopefully it will be dry when we go to film there however if not e will have to find something else to do there or shoot somewhere else.

The second place we went to was the marshes in norwich this was a really good location as it had 3 different landscapes in it. it had open fields a dense forest with big dips in the landscape and the marshes themselves which where open fields and rivers. This has provided us with a lot that we could possibly do and so we would defiantly like to use that location.

The third location that we went to was the city itself and we decided that we would have some more urban shots there where a few locations there but we will decide finally on the day of filming as we need to check where there set too many people as this could possible ruin the shots, because of this we would like to go in the week so its quieter.


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