Roles within group (Preliminary Task)

Friday, June 17, 2016

As a group we have assigned individual roles for each person within the group. This is done to make the organisation and process of the task significantly quicker and mirror more of the real processes involved in producing media today.
These are the roles each of us will carry out:

  • Myself - Filming and editing
  • Drew Anderson- Editing
  • Sophia Diaper - Blog posts and taking pictures
  • Emma Hagstrom - Album artwork and Branding
This consists of taking the camera to our locations and deciding the scene and composition. It is this persons job to manage how the film will actually look like and what camera angles could be used. This person must think about the following camera techniques: Close-ups, Long shots, Aerial shots, crab shot, types of focusing (pull focus, shallow focus), and things like rule of thirds. This is critical to making a successful and well structured video. This person must also consider the timing of the music and how each shot should support what is being said in the lyrics of the song. If this is done incorrectly, there will be no rhythm to the music video and it would appear jumpy or out of place. The camera person should also think about the positioning of the camera and whether it should be used on a tripod or whether it should be hand-held.

This person's duty is to ensure that the end product and idea is met by applying visual effects to the video and manipulate it in a way that conforms to the song. Editing is usually the longest period of time between actually filming the video and the end result and distribution of the content. Effects could include: Image stabiliser, colour effects (saturation, exposure), speed/tempo, and animations. I think it would be really interesting to include some visual effects into our preliminary video as it will be an ideal time to explore with premiere pro and after effects a little more and ultimately see what will work with our song choice. I often find it most helpful to carry out some research through online tutorials on sites such as YouTube before attempting any form of editing. Also, as a group we have already had first hand experience with editing (I edited the entire film for my opening in AS) which means we are fairly familiar with these professional editing software packages. I have also learnt to back up files and keep a spare hard drive free for the footage as filming often requires large amounts of space and will need to be easily accessible. Files need to be named individually before editing and will need to grouped into one contained folder in a secure location otherwise premiere pro is unable to recognise the footage.

Blog posts and taking pictures:
This person must keep up to date with blog posts and taking pictures behind filming the music video. This is key to documenting our development and progress of the video and means we have visual evidence to support our work and the choices we made. It would also be good to film a "video diary" to better show the production process. This could easily be done and uploaded onto sites such as YouTube.

Album artwork and Branding:
This person is in charge of producing the branding of the music video and song. Examples include: a poster, CD album artwork and other merchandise proposals. I think this would be good to show as it will support the video itself, ultimately producing a more worthy and professional outcome. This could be done by using software such as Photoshop or Illustrator which make it much easier to visualise ideas and manipulate them later.

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