Research (Preliminary Task)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Genre: Alternative/Indie
Music video 1 - Vance Joy (Riptide)

Good/bad? This music video is by artist, Vance Joy. Perhaps one of the things that makes this music video particularly successful is this somewhat artistic, almost retro style of film. This is most likely achieved by using a particular film or camera lens (35mm) to give this appearance but also with editing techniques used later on. This particular film does not rely on a linear narrative, instead quickly cutting between a range of shots and scenes. This actually gives more interest into the video, revealing something that is not normally exhibited in music videos. Furthermore, these rather choppy cuts run well in parallel to the actual speed of the song, creating a rhythm that makes us more inclined to watch.

Original? Yes I would say that this music video is original as it is quite different from the typical music video. It does not follow a linear narrative and is structured in a way that engages the audience as well as keeping in time with the music.

Does it engage with the audience? This music video definitely appeals to an audience with its multitude of camera shots and jumpy cinematography which relates well to the upbeat tempo of the song.

Music video 2 - The Neighbourhood (Sweater Weather) 

Good/bad? I really enjoyed this music video, finding the greyscale colour captivating and particularly effective. The use of the silhouette's and somewhat chiaroscuro lighting gives interest and creates an almost melancholic feel. Throughout the extract, it extensively uses a dolly/tracking shot to follow and guide the film giving a very smooth and fluid feel to each shot. The video also uses slow motion effects (2:08) to allow the audience to observe the scene and become more immersive within the scene. Furthermore, there is some double exposure that is used towards the latter scenes of the clip that uses both a static image that is simultaneously used with shots of 

Does it engage with the audience?
Yes this music video does engage with its audience. Although, I would argue that it appeals to an older audience as it is slightly different from most music videos that teenagers would enjoy. I think what makes this video really interesting is the contrast between the seemingly quick tempo of the music against the predominantly slow cinematography.

Music Video 3 - Catfish and the Bottle men (Cocoon) 

Good/bad? I really enjoyed this music video and I think it is filmed extremely well. It conforms to a narrative storyline keeping interest in the film but it also doesn't over complicate the video. However, this particular film would appeal to a more alternative genre and target audience. In terms of filming the clip uses a wide range of shots including: close ups, wide shots, shallow focus, pull focus. This makes the cinematography much more interesting as opposed to it having just a few of these camera techniques. Similar to "the neighbourhood" the music is heard at a rather quick pace which is a stark contrast to the more subtle, slow pace of the camera. This actually makes the entire film seem as if it were a dream or fantasy, giving it this unpredictable element. Also, it appears that almost the entire film used a dolly or tracking shot to help keep the footage smooth and fluid. However, "stabilizer" effects could have also been used in the editing of the music video afterwards.
Ultimately, I really liked the clip as it explores a range of ideas that actually support the lyrics of the track and keeps it's audience engaged throughout.
However, this track may be difficult to understand from a younger audience's perspective or someone who is not particularly familiar with this type of music genre. The concept of the video is an abstract one but it is certainly entertaining whether you understand it or not.

To conclude, I believe all three of these music videos are original and explore very different creative fields, appealing to a complete range of people despite coming from the same music genre. It is clear that music videos are gradually becoming more of an art form, being filmed to establish a particular storyline or narrative and convey a message. This is something I must greatly consider and implement into my own work and the final cut of my music video I will produce later in the year.

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