Song Choice (Preliminary Task)

Friday, June 17, 2016

We have chosen to use Blink 182 "another girl another planet" for our preliminary task. As a group we collectively decided that this song best suited any form of music video with the idea of having both a boy and girl the two lead protagonists. Furthermore, we chose to use this because we thought that it would work best with the conditions that we have been given, as there is a conveniently long 42 second intro that would provide a great opportunity for the 30second long shot we need. Also,the lyrics are all about a girl and this gives a lot of freedom with what we can do and so we decided that this would be the best of our two to choose. Another reason that we chose to pick this song was when we discussed ideas that we could do for the two we had narrowed our list down to we where able to think of a lot more for the Blink 182 song but due to the lyrics and narrative of the "monsters and men song"it was harder to think of a suitable narrative that we could do so this ultimately influenced our choice greatly.

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