Task (Preliminary Task)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

In preparation for A2 coursework we have been given a trial effort over the next month to produce an original music video, and accompanying original CD cover for the release of the song. I will be working with:

  • Drew Anderson
  • Emma Hagstrom
  • Sophia Diaper 
Our media teacher arranged the groups himself meaning that we would be working with completely different people that we would not normally feel comfortable working with. I think this will mean we get to experiment a little more and will ultimately produce a product that is slightly different to what we might usually have anticipated had we done it ourselves. Each person within the group has completely different music preferences so selecting the music title was especially difficult.

We have been given the following songs to choose from:
Likewise we have been given a condition to include in the video and a stimulus to base the idea around and see where it takes us. Our condition was to ensure we use a clip that is "at least 30 seconds long", with our stimulus which requires us to use shots "no longer than 4 seconds"
Although the two slightly contradict each other we are planning to incorporate them both to give a moire dynamic and interesting feel to the video.
Towards the end and with much discussion we collectively narrowed it down between two very different songs: Little talks, and another girl another planet. We felt as a completely random group who had different music preferences, that Blink's song would be more appropriate for what we wanted to, given the fact the song is based on the relationship between a boy and girl meant we could do almost anything. This means we now have a little freedom to experiment and develop our skills as a group to try and produce a decent preliminary video. 

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